The Belko Experiment (2016)
I’m just going to come out and say it: I love trashy movies. Blood, gore, violence, campy humour, sex, whatever it is I’m probably on board with the whole thing […]
I’m just going to come out and say it: I love trashy movies. Blood, gore, violence, campy humour, sex, whatever it is I’m probably on board with the whole thing […]
You’ve probably heard the term ‘in the zone’ before. In fact, I’m willing to bet you’ve probably even said it on more than one occasion. It describes that perfect moment […]
You know what, we’ve all been very lucky this year. Yes, let’s ignore politics for a moment. Forget the looming threat of nuclear war and take a moment to reflect […]
When I tell people about what I’m giving up for Lent each year, it’s virtually guaranteed that, of those who are actually listening, someone will make some smartarse comment asking […]
I Am Major And I Give My Consent First of all, let me begin this review by saying that I have never watched or read Ghost In The Shell. Beyond […]
It’s Beard Oil! You know, one of the reasons I’m drawn to film as an art form is the power. Admittedly, that sounds like something a Bond villain would say, […]
Goodnight room. Goodnight moon. Goodnight cow jumping over the moon. Having essentially raised myself on the likes of Red Dwarf, Alien (1979), the original Star Wars trilogy and the various […]
Anybody who keeps up with these blogs will know that I’m not exactly one for Netflix binge-watching. Certainly not when it comes to television shows, as a rule I tend […]
Run Rabbit, Run Rabbit, Run Run Run I’m not often someone who gets overly enthusiastic about trailers. I suppose this has something to do with past disappointment, or fear of […]
The Love Of Kitsch Cinema It’s a much mocked fact that for every innovative genre movie, there are guaranteed to be a thousand and one films that emulate the style […]