Finding The Flow
You’ve probably heard the term ‘in the zone’ before. In fact, I’m willing to bet you’ve probably even said it on more than one occasion. It describes that perfect moment […]
You’ve probably heard the term ‘in the zone’ before. In fact, I’m willing to bet you’ve probably even said it on more than one occasion. It describes that perfect moment […]
When I tell people about what I’m giving up for Lent each year, it’s virtually guaranteed that, of those who are actually listening, someone will make some smartarse comment asking […]
Anybody who keeps up with these blogs will know that I’m not exactly one for Netflix binge-watching. Certainly not when it comes to television shows, as a rule I tend […]
The Love Of Kitsch Cinema It’s a much mocked fact that for every innovative genre movie, there are guaranteed to be a thousand and one films that emulate the style […]
You know what I realised the other day? John Goodman is a cinematic treasure. Okay, so my thought process maaaay have been influenced by the fact that Mr Goodman has […]
In every generation there is a chosen one. She alone will stand against the vampires the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer. As anybody who frequents […]
As a self confessed cinephile and shut in, I suppose there really is only one thing to talk about on this, the 27th February 2017. No, it isn’t the fact […]
Picture the scene: You’re on your sofa, cradling a steaming cup of tea while your hungover brains dribble out of every facial (and in some cases, non-facial) orifice. You’ve managed […]
You know, I have this pressing urge at times to try and be current. To not labour the point and go over things that have already been discussed a thousand […]
“Did you know Seinfeld is on Amazon Prime?” said @Nickipedia89, like it was some trivial, minor thing. “IS IT?” I replied, immediately loading up everyone’s favourite streaming service. By the […]