A Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge (1985)
You’ve Got The Body… I’ve Got The Brains! It’s weird looking back at the “classics.” When you consider the huge impact on popular culture by various horror icons, like Michael […]
You’ve Got The Body… I’ve Got The Brains! It’s weird looking back at the “classics.” When you consider the huge impact on popular culture by various horror icons, like Michael […]
They’re baaaaaack. Sequels, on the most part, have a bad rap. To be fair, there are a lot of dross cash-grab sequels after an unexpected success of an original film. […]
What went we out into this wilderness to find? I’ve said before that there are, as far as I’m concerned, three types of horror. 1, AAAAH! 2, Oooh.. and 3, […]
My brother knew something was up when our Mum approached him, handing over a crucifix and asking him to wear it, “…in case something happens.” Not normally one for flights […]
I’ve fought with Atilla the Hun and Genghis Khan, and this little dipshit is my only hope. You know what, forget the 31 Days Of Horror. Forget building up to […]
It wasn’t your fault, mate. Sometimes, films just aren’t what you expect them to be. In some cases, this is down to deliberate trickery on the part of those making […]
God is the only thing that can stop what’s out there, Kim. Of all the films in my 31 Days Of Horror this year, Pumpkinhead (1988) is possibly the one […]
Everything you are about to see is based on actual people and events. I’m going to start tonight’s review with a confession. Thank to a combination of overdue deadlines, my […]
Data Incomplete… Human Blood Needed Sometimes you want to pick up a good movie. Academy Award-winning-good, you know? Other times, you just want to watch some trash. If I’m in […]
They’ll Get You In The End… Again! I love Gremlins (1984). I love Critters (1986). I love pretty much the entire genre of mutant puppets terrorising innocent people and doing […]