michael myers
Halloween 4: The Return Of Michael Myers (1988)

Halloween II (1981)
I shot him six times! I shot him in the heart, but… he’s not human! So here we are again. The first day of October, the first of thirty one […]

Baby Driver (2017)
Your name’s Baby? B-A-B-Y Baby? Did anyone ever see that music video for Mint Royale – Blue? You know the one, with Michael Smiley, Nick Frost and Julian Barratt heading […]

Halloween (1978)
Duh duh duh duh duhduh duh duh duh – duuuuuuuh duuuuuuuuuuh duuuuuuuh. There’s an argument to be had here to finish a 31-day spookathon with the classic Halloween (1978). It […]